Bipolar disorder
What is Bipolar Disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition marked by significant shifts in mood from mania to depression. The cause of bipolar disorder is unknown but appears to be due to an interaction of genetic, epigenetic, neurochemical, and environmental factors. An individual with bipolar disorder may have episodes of mania, or highly elevated mood, and episodes of depression, or low mood. These episodes may last from a few days to several weeks or longer.
Manic episodes include:
elevated or irritable mood
increased activity or energy
racing thoughts
difficulty with focus, concentration, and decision-making
flight of ideas
decreased need for sleep.
engaging in risky behaviors
Depressive episode includes:
depressed mood
poor sleep or too much sleep
lack of interest in activities you once enjoyed
feeling guilty or worthless, difficulty
fatigue or loss of energy
Significant weight loss when not dieting or weight gain or decrease or increase in appetite
Slow thinking or movement
Suicidal thoughts
At Elite Touch Behavioral Health, we utilize evidence-based treatment guidelines (medication, psychotherapy, or both) to support and teach you how to manage your mood episodes, which can improve your symptoms and overall quality of life.